======================================================================================================================= 1.4 [released 2024-02-22] ======================================================================================================================= [available 2024-02-22] prerequisite Windows 10 (64 bit), English, version 1809 or newer prerequisite Microsoft .NET Framework 4.8 or newer prerequisite Keysight IO Libraries Suite 18.1 or newer supported Keysight M8070B System Software rev. supported Keysight Infiniium UXR-Series System Software rev. 11.51.00302 supported Keysight Infiniium System Software rev. 6.74.00701 supported Unigraf DPT-200 rev. 6.0.0 supported Unigraf UCD-323 Gen2 rev. 1.12.7 supported Microsoft Excel rev. 2021, English new Additional pre-test for proper link setup. new Frequency Variation Test for UHBR data rates (only in Expert Mode). new Support of 8195A AWG as an impairment source. new Result reports include the used FW and instrument version of UCD-323. new RemoteInstruments server for DP is now included in the installer. new Added an additional header to procedure result reports indicating if a result was created in conditions where compliance cannot be guaranteed. Compliance cannot be guaranteed for calibration data created before the introduction of this feature. It will be marked as Compliant = "False". That does not necessarily mean it was created in a non-compliant way, just that the result report does not contain the data necessary to guarantee compliance. new Added indicators in the result reports of each procedure for the following information: * software version, * calibration data version(s) if there is any required calibration data, * whether the result was created in conditions where compliance can be guaranteed, * reason(s) why compliance cannot be guaranteed if that is the case. new The same indicators that were added to individual result reports were also added to the summary table of exported results workbooks. new Added "Required Calibration Data" context menu popup. new Added a new context menu option to group logs based on log context. new It is now possible to query the Application Version from the ValiFrame remote API. new Added a button in the About Dialog to directly navigate to the API documentation. new It is now possible to export the log file from the context menu of the log window in the main window of ValiFrame K1. The functionality to export the log file is also accessible from the remote API. modification Disabled InfiniiSim graph during input eye calibration to accelerate signal processing dramatically. modification The calibration pattern of the HBR3 intrinsic jitter calibration is displayed as Clock/4 instead of TPS1. modification No removal of scope intrinsic jitter and noise anymore, since it is not described in the CTS 2.1 r1.0. modification Improved the screen division of the oscilloscope to e.g. display more results of EZJIT. modification It is now possible to change the average number in the UHBR input eye calibration. modification Jitter tolerance test is now split up into separate procedures for each SJ frequency. modification Allow UHBR jitter tolerance test with different PRBS patterns. modification Min/Max limits are automatically set back to default if the user modified them from the GUI. modification Removed irrelevant SigTest result details from the logfile. modification Modified the default start page of the Remote Api Doc and also included 2 hyperlinks to the namespace and the class on the index page. modification Out parameter methods from ValiFrameRemote have been marked as obsolete. New return value methods were added. modification Changed script parser to report an error if a pattern block is smaller than the minimum size. modification Introduced a new SCPI log file, which can be found in the logging directory, recording all SCPI commands and queries in addition to all the regular log file entries. Big data from SCPI commands and queries is truncated to keep the file size manageable. modification Remote Instrument Server now logs into the folder ProgramData\BitifEye\ValiFrameK1\Tmp. modification Introduced a new enum for the MemorySource of the M8195A. modification Added a new progress log entry that traces the estimated duration in procedures that contain a fixed number of steps. modification Removed "SetResult" methods from ValiFrameRemote. They were declared obsolete 3 years ago. modification The meaning of the parameter Compliant has been changed. The results of a procedure are now compliant if a) it was run in compliance mode or b) it was run in expert mode but the values of the parameters that can be changed in expert mode had their default values. modification Connection Diagram windows now always appear and stay in front of the ValiFrame main window. modification Only test results are saved in vfp files. Calibration results are not saved. modification Added standalone tool to transform a ValiFrame log into a JSON file. modification Introduced a new logging level called "Context" which is used to log context start/end into the log file. It is not visible in the UI. modification Improved Logging using the Iso format for the date and added tabs as dividers. modification The auto-generated documentation for the ValiFrame remote API is now included in the installer. Also a start menu shortcut to it is generated. modification Cached maximum instrument bandwidth to avoid unnecessary SCPI queries. modification Made loading of M8000 states more robust. modification Removed ValiFrameRemoteGui and all C# example code from the installer. modification Improved EZJIT parsing. Unrecognized tokens will be output as a log warning. modification When ValiFrame is denied access to the temporary SigTest workspace folder because another service is interacting with the folder, ValiFrame now starts a retry to access it instead of sending an exception. modification Lowered OS requirements to Win10 x64 version 1809. modification Added tooltip hint for maintenance status label. bugfix TP3 verification was using the mean instead of median value of the 5 measurements. bugfix Used eye height was wrong for testing tethered devices on TP2 short channel. bugfix Initialization of M8040A failed if it was configured to non-NRZ line coding. bugfix Keysight N7015A fixture was displayed in the connection diagram with wrong connector naming. bugfix N7018A controller was not working stably with Wilder USB4 fixtures at UHBR data rates. bugfix Target eye height for TP2 in the verification procedure was wrong. bugfix Connection type for the BERT wasn't set to "HiSLIP" by default. bugfix HBR3 total jitter target values were not aligned with the latest CTS. bugfix Random Jitter calibration for RBR at TP1 sometimes aborted while showing weird RJ values. bugfix Step-by-step instructions for dynamic connection diagrams were not saved between diagrams. bugfix After disabling step-by-step instructions for dynamic connection diagrams, no elements are grayed-out or hidden. bugfix Fixed: Export from dynamic connection diagrams did not include details of all duplicated accessories. bugfix Fixed: PadIdle macro did not set squelch in M8000 pattern. bugfix The last letter of an entry in the HTML summary table was sometimes removed. bugfix Script generator threw an exception when M8000 bit pattern did not fulfill granularity but could be rolled out internally by M8070B because the pattern was looped infinitely. bugfix Fixed issue with transformed s4p and s6p files. bugfix Fixed exception when using M8070B AWG interference source while multiple AWGs are connected. bugfix Fixed the report creation date displayed at the top of the page. bugfix Fixed convolution algorithm. Parts of the kernel were not convolved under specific circumstances. bugfix Re-introduced port mapping transform flag, needed for HDMI. bugfix Fixed log message on calibration data instrument mismatch. This message now only contains the relevant instruments. bugfix Fixed picture for non-CMI configuration. bugfix Set results selection mode to custom when calling ExportResults from context menu. bugfix Updated selection in export tree when calling ExportResults from toolbar. bugfix Could not connect to BIT-2100B due to a parsing error. bugfix Fixed the connection point for the CLK connection to the error detector for the case that two M8046A modules are attached to the M8040A. bugfix Corrected connection points for SP8TB terminated switch connection image. bugfix Fixed duplicated 'Transfer Functions' folder name when applying transfer function. bugfix Fixed connection diagram button displayed incorrectly on certain screens. bugfix Fixed spelling in connection diagram dialog. bugfix Fixed. In some cases the warning message about an unsupported firmware version was incomplete. bugfix The "Unreleased Software" banner has been moved to the right of the window and made narrower. The main window of ValiFrame now has a minimum size of 600x600. These changes were done so that the banner does not overlap other controls when the window is shrunk. bugfix Fixed misleading text in warning messages about supported instrument firmware revisions. bugfix Fixed an issue that prevented the gathering of all available relevant data in the case of a crash. bugfix Fixed wrong assignment of parameter value in VFCalTable. information The exact hardware setups supported are listed in the Data Sheet. known issue The verification procedure fails randomly due to rel. big variation in the measurements results. known issue The LANEx_CR_DONE Sequence can only be skipped in Expert Mode, not Compliance Mode. known issue M8040A only supported for UHBR data rates. ======================================================================================================================= 1.3 [released 2023-09-29] ======================================================================================================================= [available 2023-10-10] prerequisite Windows 10 (64 bit), English, version 1809 or newer prerequisite Microsoft .NET Framework 4.8 prerequisite Keysight IO Libraries Suite 18.1 or newer supported M8041A/M8062A, M8070B FW rev. 8.5.380.14 supported M8045A/M8054A, M8070B FW rev. 8.5.380.14 supported UXR-Jr/Sr SW rev. 11.50.00601 supported DSA-X/V/Z SW rev. 6.72.00301 supported Unigraf DPT-200 FW 6.0.0 supported Unigraf UCD-323 Gen2 FW 1.12.7 supported Microsoft Office Excel 2021, English bugfix Some connection diagrams with BIT-2100A did not work. Now the new BIT-2100B is shown instead. bugfix Eye height calibration target values for legacy data rates at TP2 were not aligned with latest CTS. bugfix UCD-323 did not connect properly to ValiFrame. bugfix Loading a vfp file with having Dummy Aux controller configuration lead to an empty procedure tree. known issue The LANEx_CR_DONE Sequence can only be skipped in Expert Mode, not Compliance Mode. known issue M8040A only supported for UHBR data rates. [available 2023-09-29] prerequisite Windows 10 (64 bit), English, version 1809 or newer prerequisite Microsoft .NET Framework 4.8 prerequisite Keysight IO Libraries Suite 18.1 or newer supported M8041A/M8062A, M8070B FW rev. 8.5.380.14 supported M8045A/M8054A, M8070B FW rev. 8.5.380.14 supported UXR-Jr/Sr SW rev. 11.50.00601 supported DSA-X/V/Z SW rev. 6.72.00301 supported Unigraf DPT-200 FW 6.0.0 supported Unigraf UCD-323 Gen2 FW 1.12.7 supported Microsoft Office Excel 2021, English new Support of UXR-B with Infiniium 11.50.00601. modification Logging of failed waveform acquisition due to a closed eye is not a warning anymore. modification Improved the dialog box message for missing transfer function. bugfix The pattern length configured in EZJIT was still wrong for non-TPS4 pattern in the HBR3 eye verification procedure. bugfix UHBR Input eye calibration aborted in rare cases with an IndexOutOfRange exception. bugfix Wrong set value for periodic jitter and random jitter was used in TP1 Eye Diagram Calibration for UHBR data rates. known issue The LANEx_CR_DONE Sequence can only be skipped in Expert Mode, not Compliance Mode. known issue M8040A only supported for UHBR data rates. ======================================================================================================================= 1.1 [released 2022-08-05] ======================================================================================================================= [available 2023-09-25] prerequisite Windows 10 (64 bit), English, version 1809 or newer prerequisite Microsoft .NET Framework 4.8 prerequisite Keysight IO Libraries Suite 18.1 or newer supported M8041A/M8062A, M8070B FW rev. 8.5.380.14 supported M8045A/M8054A, M8070B FW rev. 8.5.380.14 supported UXR-Jr/Sr SW rev. 11.30.00003 supported DSA-X/V/Z SW rev. 6.72.00301 supported Unigraf DPT-200 FW 6.0.0 supported Unigraf UCD-323 Gen2 FW 1.12.7 supported Microsoft Office Excel 2016, English modification Result column has been removed from Rise-Fall-Time Measurement calibration report. modification Properly indicate the non-monotonic behavior for calibration. modification Allow the used EZJIT+ pattern length in the HBR3 TJ calibration to be edited if in Expert Mode. bugfix Error handling for DPCD Read and DPCD Write operations of Unigraf UCD-323 AUX controller was incomplete. bugfix Wrong rounding of random jitter target spec value. bugfix Wrong set value for periodic jitter and random jitter was used in UHBR TP1 Eye Diagram Calibration. bugfix Wrong pattern was used for aggressor lane calibration for RBR and HBR data rates. bugfix Wrong rounding of the ISI calibration results in the report for legacy data rates. bugfix Calibration summary result for UHBR data rates was shown as passed even if it was not run. bugfix When ValiFrameRemote was running, there was an exception while importing DLLs to Python. bugfix Wrong rounding of the aggressor amplitude set value on the BERT for legacy data rates. bugfix Allowed Error Number and Observation Time for UHBR data rates was not aligned with the latest CTS. bugfix In the total jitter calibration, the pattern length in EZJIT+ was incorrect for non-compliant patterns. bugfix By default, clear the link quality pattern DPCD register before starting symbol lock phase of the 8b/10b link training. bugfix In rare corner cases, the set value for Artek CLE1000 was slightly out of the allowed range. bugfix If running DisplayPort link training through ValiframeRemote, some inputs were not processed correctly. bugfix When loading a vfp file, lane number was not loaded correctly in some cases. known issue The LANEx_CR_DONE Sequence can only be skipped in Expert Mode, not Compliance Mode. known issue M8040A only supported for UHBR data rates. [available 2023-06-23] prerequisite Windows 10 (64 bit), English, version 1809 or newer prerequisite Microsoft .NET Framework 4.8 prerequisite Keysight IO Libraries Suite 18.1 or newer supported M8041A/M8062A, M8070B FW rev. 8.5.380.14 supported M8045A/M8054A, M8070B FW rev. 8.5.380.14 supported UXR-Jr/Sr SW rev. 11.30.00003 supported DSA-X/V/Z SW rev. 6.72.00301 supported Unigraf DPT-200 FW 6.0.0 supported Unigraf UCD-323 Gen2 supported Microsoft Office Excel 2016, English bugfix Differential Swing in the M8040A was never set to a value smaller than 1V. known issue Definition of Rx tests at UHBR data rates is in progress. known issue CTS for DP 2.1 is in progress and some calibration targets are preliminary. known issue The LANEx_CR_DONE Sequence can only be skipped in Expert Mode, not Compliance Mode. known issue M8040A only supported for UHBR data rates. [available 2023-06-15] prerequisite Windows 10 (64 bit), English, version 1809 or newer prerequisite Microsoft .NET Framework 4.8 prerequisite Keysight IO Libraries Suite 18.1 or newer supported M8041A/M8062A, M8070B FW rev. 8.5.380.14 supported M8045A/M8054A, M8070B FW rev. 8.5.380.14 supported UXR-Jr/Sr SW rev. 11.30.00003 supported DSA-X/V/Z SW rev. 6.72.00301 supported Unigraf DPT-200 FW 6.0.0 supported Unigraf UCD-323 Gen2 supported Microsoft Office Excel 2016, English bugfix Warning message was shown due to improper evaluation of minimum hardware voltage limit. bugfix Wrong Aggressor Lane Voltage target value was used. known issue Definition of Rx tests at UHBR data rates is in progress. known issue CTS for DP 2.1 is in progress and some calibration targets are preliminary. known issue The LANEx_CR_DONE Sequence can only be skipped in Expert Mode, not Compliance Mode. known issue M8040A only supported for UHBR data rates. [available 2022-12-22] prerequisite Windows 10 (64 bit), English, version 1809 or newer prerequisite Microsoft .NET Framework 4.8 prerequisite Keysight IO Libraries Suite 18.1 or newer supported M8041A/M8062A, M8070B FW rev. 8.5.380.14 supported M8045A/M8054A, M8070B FW rev. 8.5.380.14 supported UXR-Jr/Sr SW rev. 11.30.00003 supported DSA-X/V/Z SW rev. 6.72.00301 supported Unigraf DPT-200 FW 6.0.0 supported Unigraf UCD-323 Gen2 supported Microsoft Office Excel 2016, English modification Introduced a parameter 'Run Frequency Lock Phase' to skip the LANEx_CR_DONE Sequence, according to "DP2.0 SCR on 128b/132b DP Link Training Rev 9". bugfix Clock divider for aggressor signal was wrong on M8040A. bugfix Invalid eye measurement results from the scope were sometimes taken as valid. bugfix Measuring on scope channels 2-4 did not work for all calibrations. bugfix In some cases, the CMI source in an M8020A setup was configured wrong in the StationConfigurator. known issue Definition of Rx tests at UHBR data rates is in progress. known issue CTS for DP 2.1 is in progress and some calibration targets are preliminary. known issue The LANEx_CR_DONE Sequence can only be skipped in Expert Mode, not Compliance Mode. known issue M8040A only supported for UHBR data rates. [available 2022-11-10] prerequisite Windows 10 (64 bit), English, version 1809 or newer prerequisite Microsoft .NET Framework 4.8 prerequisite Keysight IO Libraries Suite 18.1 or newer supported M8041A/M8062A, M8070B FW rev. 8.5.380.14 supported M8045A/M8054A, M8070B FW rev. 8.5.380.14 supported UXR-Jr/Sr SW rev. 11.30.00003 supported DSA-X/V/Z SW rev. 6.72.00301 supported Unigraf DPT-200 FW 6.0.0 supported Unigraf UCD-323 Gen2 supported Microsoft Office Excel 2016, English modification Always use Lane0 calibrations for tests on Lane1, Lane2 and Lane3. bugfix Pin assignment for Wilder USB4 Type-C fixtures at TP3-calibrations was still not right for all lanes. bugfix Fixed some DPCD operations in UCD-323 AUX controller. known issue Definition of Rx tests at UHBR data rates is in progress. known issue CTS for DP 2.1 is in progress and some calibration targets are preliminary. known issue M8040A only supported for UHBR data rates. [available 2022-09-29] prerequisite Windows 10 (64 bit), English, version 1809 or newer prerequisite Microsoft .NET Framework 4.8 prerequisite Keysight IO Libraries Suite 18.1 or newer supported M8041A/M8062A, M8070B FW rev. 8.5.380.14 supported M8045A/M8054A, M8070B FW rev. 8.5.380.14 supported UXR-Jr/Sr SW rev. 11.30.00003 supported DSA-X/V/Z SW rev. 6.72.00301 supported Unigraf DPT-200 FW 6.0.0 supported Unigraf UCD-323 Gen2 supported Microsoft Office Excel 2016, English modification Verification procedures are now displayed only in Expert Mode, since they are not needed for Compliance Mode. bugfix The UHBR-TP3 verification procedure failed sometimes due to incorrect DFE configuration. bugfix Supported Infiniium version was reported incorrectly in this changelog and in the ValiFrame logging. bugfix No connection diagram was shown if the 2nd channel of M8020A was not licensed. bugfix Wrong connection diagram for DP1.4 aggressor calibration with Luxshare Type-C and Keysight N7015A Type-C fixtures. bugfix Corrected the pin assignment for Wilder USB4 Type-C fixtures. known issue Definition of Rx tests at UHBR data rates is in progress. known issue CTS for DP 2.1 is in progress and some calibration targets are preliminary. known issue M8040A only supported for UHBR data rates. [available 2022-08-05] prerequisite Windows 10 (64 bit), English, version 1809 or newer prerequisite Microsoft .NET Framework 4.8 prerequisite Keysight IO Libraries Suite 18.1 or newer supported M8041A/M8062A, M8070B FW rev. 8.5.380.14 supported M8045A/M8054A, M8070B FW rev. 8.5.380.14 supported UXR-Jr/Sr SW rev. 11.30.00003 supported DSA-X/V/Z SW rev. 6.72.00202 supported Unigraf DPT-200 FW 6.0.0 supported Unigraf UCD-323 Gen2 supported Microsoft Office Excel 2016, English new Added M8040A support for UHBR data rates. new Support of Unigraf UCD-323 Gen2. new Automated Jitter tolerance test, JTol characterization and sensitivity tests for UHBR data rates. new Support of Enhanced fsDP and mDP fixtures. new Improved connection diagrams by adding different colored connections for aggressor lanes. new Added TJ checking step for TP2 calibrations for UHBR data rates. new Added instrument firmware version check to station and configured it to the newest M8070B and DSO FW. new License Certified Time will be updated automatically at the start-up of ValiFrame. new Exporting results is now possible from any node in the ValiFrame sequence tree using the context menu. new The results of procedures now show a Compliance Mode indicator. This indicator also takes into account the compliance state of all relevant calibrations. Procedures that run offline are considered not compliant. new Nodes in the sequence tree in ValiFrame are now selectable and deselectable by pressing the spacebar. new Improved visibility of warnings and critical errors. The number of warnings and critical errors is now displayed: - as additional log entries at the end of each run, - in the run end window and - in the status bar. new Added tooltip and helper window explaining the meaning of sequencer icons. modification Changed supported CTS version to 2.1. modification Standard DP connector and mini DP connector are now allowed for all UHBR data rates. modification Editable target BER and RJ Crestfactor for the TJ calibration. modification The use of the internal ISI of M8020A is no longer allowed. It confused the user without giving real advantages. modification Improved the ErrorCounter check for 8b10b encoded patterns. modification Meaningless properties (e.g. 'Offline') are not shown in the summary reports. modification Use the N7018A Type-C controller for the UHBR Rx tests instead of the USB4 microcontroller. modification Added signal polarity column to compliance test and sensitivity test report of the legacy data rates. modification Improved logging to have a clear indication of a missing license in M8070B. modification The ISI parameter is not shown in TP1 calibrations. It is not used and thus only confusing everyone. modification The UXR scope is now the default displayed in offline connection diagrams. modification Improved the wiring and descriptions in connection diagrams for DP and mDP fixtures. modification Licenses are checked during installation as well as at program startup. modification New connection diagrams for all data rates. modification Improved the UHBR Input Eye Calibration at TP3. modification Allow the use of lane0 calibrations for the tests of all lanes. modification Installers now check (by looking at the available licenses) if installing the product would push a product or feature past maintenance end. If yes, a warning is presented to the user. modification Warnings about unsupported instrument models and untested firmware revisions have been made more precise and clearer by splitting them into separate messages. modification Disabled the option to close the results view of an ongoing test run. modification When attempting to start an installer, the required OS is now correctly checked: Windows 10, 64bit, version at least 1809. Also corrected the user message in case of a mismatch. modification Warning messages in StationConfigurator "Check Connections" turn the matching instrument line yellow. modification Improved formatting of summary table in exported HTML results. Entries in the result column are now color coded. modification HTML reports are now generated as a single file. Styles, scripts and images are embedded in that file. modification UI changes of helper window explaining the meaning of sequencer icons. Context menu entry is now called "Show State Details..." modification More detailed information of instruments used to execute specific calibrations or tests are provided during the execution and in the results windows (right-click on results - select "Show Results"). modification The instrument summary table in workbook export has been improved. Previously, the instruments that were connected at the time of the export were shown in the table. From now on instruments that were connected during the execution of specific calibrations or tests are displayed. If calibrations or tests were run with a previous version of the software, the instrument table will be empty. modification A new status indicator for the maintenance exists in the ValiFrame main window. The indicator is yellow 90 days before the maintenance contract ends. If the maintenance contract has expired, the indicator will be red. More information is visible in the ValiFrame About window. modification The ValiFrame About window shows the product information and not the features. This makes it easier to identify which products are installed or need maintenance renewal on your machine. modification Improved the handling of licenses that are installed on different containers on the same machine. bugfix UXR support was not complete at legacy data rates. bugfix In rare cases, the HF jitter budget could be exceeded because PJ was not properly reset to 0. bugfix Instrument information was missing in the compliance test report. bugfix Selection of the aggressor pattern in the GUI was sometimes blocked. bugfix Starting value in the CMI calibration was sometimes too low. bugfix No differentiation was made between fixture types in the UHBR long channel calibrations. bugfix Luxshare fixture were not handled correctly when loading a vfp file. bugfix RJ (pk-pk) was not calculated correctly from the measured RJ (RMS) due to the use of the wrong crestfactor. bugfix End of the symbol lock step during link training was not indicated properly to the DUT. bugfix RBR compliance test was dependent on a TJ calibration that did exist. bugfix TJ calibration was not properly taken into account in dependent calibrations and tests. bugfix Eye height calibration for HBR@TP3 failed due to wrong scope settings. bugfix Show the warning for smaller differential output amplitude only if the BERT is connected and online. bugfix Reset the connection string to display the connection diagram at each new sequencer start. bugfix Calibrated values were not used or displayed if they did not exist when running ValiFrame for the first time. bugfix UHBR data rates could be selected in Configure DUT without having M8062A module in the BERT. bugfix Exporting reports to Excel failed on some PCs. bugfix The BER value was configured wrong in EZJIT+. bugfix De-embedding option was not available in some configurations. bugfix Fixed exception when exporting to Excel. bugfix The ValiFrame main window was not closing properly when report subwindows were open. bugfix The OK button in the critical error window was unreachable due to incorrect scaling on high DPI machines. bugfix The ValiFrame Remote Interface was reporting an InvalidProgramException while ending the application. bugfix Sheets in exported result workbooks were in the wrong order if the target format was an Excel file. bugfix Expiration dates for demo licenses were not displayed in the ValiFrame About window and in the logfile. bugfix When a calibration procedure failed or was aborted, calibration table properties and values could be corrupted for the rest of the program runtime. Restarting ValiFrame restored the correct values. bugfix Bundled licenses were not shown in the ValiFrame About window. bugfix Exporting test results did not work if MS Excel was not installed. bugfix The procedure properties "Procedure Error Case Behavior", "Procedure Failed Case Behavior", and "Repetitions" did not work for some procedures. known issue Definition of Rx tests at UHBR data rates is in progress. known issue CTS for DP 2.1 is in progress and some calibration targets are preliminary. known issue M8040A only supported for UHBR data rates. ======================================================================================================================= 1.0 [released 2021-01-12] ======================================================================================================================= [available 2022-02-25] prerequisite Windows 10 (64 bit), English, version 2004 or newer prerequisite Microsoft .NET Framework 4.7.1 or newer prerequisite Keysight IO Libraries Suite 18.1 or newer supported M8070B SW rev. supported UXR0134A SW rev. 10.25.01003 supported DSAV334A SW rev. 6.60.00109 supported Microsoft Office Excel 2016, English bugfix Exceptions were thrown if no Artek ISI channel was connected. [available 2021-12-23] prerequisite Windows 10 (64 bit), English, version 2004 or newer prerequisite Microsoft .NET Framework 4.7.1 or newer prerequisite Keysight IO Libraries Suite 18.1 or newer supported M8070B SW rev. supported UXR0134A SW rev. 10.25.01003 supported DSAV334A SW rev. 6.60.00109 supported Microsoft Office Excel 2016, English bugfix Necessary html template files were not installed [available 2021-09-28] prerequisite Windows 10 (64 bit), English, version 2004 or newer prerequisite Microsoft .NET Framework 4.7.1 or newer prerequisite Keysight IO Libraries Suite 18.1 or newer supported M8070B SW rev. supported UXR0134A SW rev. 10.25.01003 supported DSAV334A SW rev. 6.60.00109 supported Microsoft Office Excel 2016, English bugfix The transfer function example for UHBR calibrations at TP3 was missing in the installer. bugfix The use of M68xx power module for PDO testing was not saved properly. information Updated CodeMeter Runtime to version 7.30. [available 2021-07-30] prerequisite Windows 10 (64 bit), English, version 2004 or newer prerequisite Microsoft .NET Framework 4.7.1 or newer prerequisite Keysight IO Libraries Suite 18.1 or newer supported M8070B SW rev. supported UXR0134A SW rev. 10.25.01003 supported DSAV334A SW rev. 6.60.00109 supported Microsoft Office Excel 2016, English modification Allow Keysight N7015A fixture with fixed 5V, even if only RX1.4 license is available. modification Type-C connector is included in option N5991DP2A. modification Error counter is not checked anymore in the Expert Mode tests. It is only part of the compliance test. modification By default, all data rates below the highest supported one are selected in the configure DUT dialog. modification The Type-C receptacle cannot be changed. It is always selected automatically depending on the plug. bugfix The configured connector type, fixture and lane count were not properly saved and reloaded to a vfp. bugfix HBR and HBR2 tests at TP2 were not visible if only one data rate was selected as tested data rate. bugfix If the option "Keep Signals After Test" was selected, the sequence was reset to the first pattern after the test at 10MHz had finished. bugfix Data rate deviation 350ppm during Rx test at SJ 10MHz was not applied properly. bugfix Expiration dates for demo licenses were not displayed in the ValiFrame About window and in the logfile. bugfix Exception was thrown when trying to export into a workbook on a PC without having any Excel installed. bugfix Input eye verification passed, even if the eye was too small. information Updated CodeMeter Runtime to version 7.21a to fix vulnerabilities CVE-2021-20093 and CVE-2021-20094. [available 2021-03-31] supported M8070B SW rev. supported UXR0134A SW rev. 10.25.01003 supported DSAV334A SW rev. 6.60.00109 supported N5181A MXG FW rev. A.01.50 supported 81160A, FW modification Increased the number of allowed errors in the JTol characterization to always check for the right BER. modification Keysight Type-C fixture N7015A was labeled in a misleading way in the connection diagrams. modification Better names and behavior of scope connection parameter. bugfix Switch was not configured correctly. bugfix During JTol characterization, the BERT was reporting lots of "out of range" messages. bugfix Connection diagram popped up if ArtekBox was set to "0", but no change in the setup was required. [available 2021-01-13] supported M8070B SW rev. supported UXR0134A SW rev. 10.25.01003 supported DSAV334A SW rev. 6.60.00109 supported N5181A MXG FW rev. A.01.50 supported 81160A, FW new Added DP2 calibrations and custom configurable test. new Removed use of differential probes. new New Valiframe DisplayPort N5991 product release. Includes all features from N5990A Valiframe DisplayPort 4.4.1. modification Added some delays during link training steps to make DPCD queries more robust. modification Added extra columns to the test report of jitter characterization with test details. modification Warn the user if an inappropriate connection string is entered for the connection to the oscilloscope. modification Improved instrument version check warning message during scope self-test. bugfix The DUT's LINK_QUAL_LANEx_SET register was not always aligned with the used test pattern. bugfix RiseFallTime calibration failed if started immediately after any other calibration.